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    jamriot's News

    Posted by jamriot - 2 weeks ago

    Hi everyone! As you may know, Newgrounds is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year! I’m super excited to be working with @Whirlguy, @Intrapath, and @Mantis to build upon last decade’s 20th anniversary collab and to bring you the Literature and Narration sections of the Newgrounds 30th Anniversary Collab!

    As with the 20th anniversary, this collab will compile all talents into one big, beautiful interactive upload! Writers will work together to create a massive story, and voice actors will work together to bring it to life!

    >> WRITERS: Read below, then sign up here! <<

    First things first! Upon signing up for a chapter, you are required to join the NG30 Discord server. The application will ask for your Discord handle so we know who’s who! There’s just 30 chapters, so jump onboard before spots fill up, they’ll go quickly! Each chapter has a word limit of 500 words to make sure everyone gets space to write. Upon joining the NG30 Literature Discord, you’ll see documentation on the established lore and story elements as they’re decided by you and your fellow participants. We will have the story beats laid out for you to offer some guidance, but the setting, protagonist, antagonist, and main conflict will all be decided by the collaborators!

    We ask that you only sign up if you 1) commit to completing your part, and 2) maintain contact and remain active on the Discord. Other participants will be working alongside you, so it’s likely you’ll want/need to edit your part as your fellow writers introduce new elements and complete their parts. This collab is a marathon, not a race, so only stake your claim if you’re willing to change things up as the story evolves!

    The signup deadline is February 28th! Participants will work with the collab organizers to fulfill any spots not claimed by this date. By March 14th, all important elements for the story must be decided on! All collaborators should have a rough draft of their assigned chapter completed by April 4th! A rough draft should have the skeleton of the story laid out in every chapter, and the resulting story should be cohesive at minimum. The writing does not need to be fancy, the dialogue doesn’t need to be final, and things will certainly change from here, but the resulting product at this point should be readable as to allow us to maintain quality and give your fellow writers a chance to understand where your chapter is going, and vice versa!

    By May 4th, all pieces must be final! This gives each collaborator a whole month to finalize their rough draft and make sure it works with their peers' sections. At this point, we will close the document, and the resulting product will be sent to voice actors, who will narrate the story from there!

    >> VOICE ACTORS: Read below! <<

    Voice actors will be responsible for claiming character/narrator roles and bringing the final literature piece to life! More details will be given for the number of voice actors needed, as well as the deadlines associated with narration parts, as the Literature section nears completion. In the meantime, interested voice actors should also join the NG30 Discord server to stay up-to-date and to be notified when applications open!


    The other collab organizers are hosting sections for other creative talents to be highlighted! Check it out:

    Artists, click here!

    Audio talent, click here!

    Developers, click here!

    Animators, hang tight! We’ve got something coming for you!



    Posted by jamriot - August 1st, 2024

    11 OCT 2024:



    Hey everyone! I'm here to announce the Blind World Collab teams! Please remember that your pieces are due by October 27th! Review the guidelines and rules on how to submit your piece here!

    All teams have been randomly assigned! There are 16 total teams (15 with three members and one with four), a lot more than I expected for such an experimental and open-style collab! Without further ado, here are your teams and prompts!

    TEAM 1:

    @thenorf - "The Misty Woods is a completely flat, black plane of nothingness that exists on the edge of the world, with its only inhabitant being fog as far as the eye can see. This fog, known as "Illusion Gas", is what makes the world more than what it is, as it has a special effect that tends to morph the viewers perception of the plane based on what it wants them to see. One may enter the plane and only see a forest, where another may enter and see sprawling ruins. Another feature comes with this fog in which its illusions can stimulate one's sense of touch to make them believe what they can see and feel is true. Very few ever see the woods as the nothingness it is, and tend to only see a seemingly endless forest or plain, as it all depends on what the fog wants it to see. In a broader sense, the woods are a sentient being, and the fog is its brain. The world is essentially an eldritch being composed of nothing but mist."

    @hekillzalot - "A gravity-altering device designed to destroy black holes by making them "eat" each other... unless it's used as a weapon, or "accidentally" unleashes a 1100 decibel explosion."

    @plasmarift - "A slightly futuristic yet dull, dilapidated world, where powerless wires are over-abundant, interconnecting just about everything man-made, with some wires extending into the sky, while other wires extend over vast distances of nature and forests to connect with other cities. Plant and animal life is sparse and sickly, with some animals becoming entangled with the wires and fusing with them, becoming strange wired monstrosities that are like vicious dogs on leashes. Some say if you hold onto one of these wires, you can hear voices; it can be valuable information, gibberish, or something much more haunting and blood curdling."

    @remi-le-oduen - "A world resembling our world in XIV-XV centuries, musketeers etc. But in this world vampires are real, they act in the open and their clans rule the city states of this world, fighting for control and, well, food base. Giving your blood to the higher ups is the easiest way to make money and joining the clan is the highest reward. The anti-vampire resistance exists but it's weak and unorganized. Also, to spice things up, a disease that is transmitted through blood starts spreading, threatening to disrupt the existing social structures."

    TEAM 2:

    @axonic3d - "An archipelago of islands, each conquered by a species of spiny or armored mammals such as hedgehogs, armadillos, tenrecs, echidnas, and others. The islands that each species lives in is suited to their being, and if it isn't then the structures they build over the land are designed to cater to their ways of living, even if it affects the island's existing ecosystem. Each civilization has their own distinct culture founded on the characteristics of their respective species. The civilizations are also at different eras of technological advancement, no further than the Industrial Revolution and no earlier than the Classical Antiquity period. Some civilizations are aware of the others; some work together, some are rivals, and then there are those don't know of the other civilizations or are well aware but prefer to live in isolation from them. Each island also has underlying evidence of a former civilization consisting of one singular species, featuring ruins that link all islands together to active life that has been enslaved, converted, kicked out, or eradicated altogether."

    @OKinfinite8 - "Virtual World. Imagined or dreamed World. World Created by myself."

    @polyredproductions - "A alternative futuristic world based on the early modern era of history where the French won the North American theatre of the Seven Years War and the Catholics won the Thirty Years War… (might change later)"

    TEAM 3:

    @zyolluax - "A futuristic civilization of stingrays who worship the second coming of their god, a sperm whale. They live in the sunken ruins of destroyed human cities and are at war with pistol shrimps."

    @logan-scalia - "a modern day world where yokai once existed. most of the yokai where hunted and killed by conspiracy theorists and cryptid hunters in the past. now only three remain and they have to learn how to live with each other and fit in with modern day people and society."

    @il0vejimmyurine - "A world run by clocks. It is a very psychedelic world and it is just clocks on everything ticking away. There isn't anything manufactured or man made, it's just clocks, (but the clocks make themselves)."

    TEAM 4:

    @happyexplorer - "“The Roots” is young and unstable reality, which cannot (for now) keep its structure without support; it attaches itself to bigger, more stable realities via multiple “roots” becoming buffer zone between its support and whatever is on another side.

    The Roots exist in form of network of floating islands/rocks(“knots”) connected by vines and roots of plants, which dominate in this world. Among its habitants, flying, floating, and climbing are the most desired traits.

    There is no Sun, no day or night; diffused light produced by luminescent pollen clouds, and shadow by heavy rain ones.

    “Colour” = “Life” here, only living things like critters and plants have colours, rest is black-grey-white spectrum. Dull, soft colours are normal, neon oversaturated means extreme, magic-like powers."

    @boiledmilkz - "This is a world where ghosts live as the dominant species as opposed to humans. The entire universe is a TV and the Earth is no more than a TV Channel where the ghosts and humans have to live their lives like a sitcom. The TV Channel number for Earth is Channel 69."

    @aalasteir - "In a futuristic green alien society, smoking weed is mandatory, and everyone has to listen to The President's ironic parody songs about video games."

    TEAM 5:

    @simoes1000 - "A futurisc world where people have become robots. This is a pacifist world."

    @zombieghost - "After the end of world war 3, 30000 years later. Magic is discovered from a mythical place found by the last humans after they get out of their hideouts. But new kinds of creatures are lurking in on the surface of the earth. Menacing any possible way of the human race to live in peace ever again."

    @sheik13loz - "A world of floating islands in the sky, where people can control winds to travel in air with gliders. Steampunk technology has developed, with air ships to carry cargo between islands and large groups of people. Many animals developed wings and the ability to fly, and people form bonds with them as familiars."

    TEAM 6:

    @spagehtti - "Sword and sorcery like world with four main lands : cretians,czergovians,sentinala and the lanazhu. Each land has there own styles like European and Nordic something like that

    There are also five smaller lands like ydralladth and bladaruut.

    There are sorcerers, 3 to 4 for each major land and 1 to 2 for minor."

    @serebetgm - "Steampunk concept"

    @trandafirteodora - "A world where its inhabitants are simple 3D shapes(spheres, cubes, cones, cylinders, tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms etc.) with limbs. They are named "hedra" and supposedly evolved from humans 12 millions ago. "

    TEAM 7:

    @colorfulceleste - "An alternate 2017-ish America but with magic, furries, and even more geopolitical chaos than the modern world."

    @thewolf257 - "In a post-apocalyptic world, humans use robots and scrap metal to survive, all the result of a great war that dried up the world and made humans adapt to the new world."

    @silkcaesar - "The concept I want to pitch is that of a world inspired by Classical and Medieval Middle Eastern culture and aesthetic. Differently from what one may assume upon seeing it, such a world would be rather technologically advanced through a steampunk path. Lastly, this world would be enjoying, from an outside view, a golden age of advancement and peace, but such golden age is on its last legs as the world draws closer and closer to a catastrophic man-made event that will throw the established order into upheaval."

    TEAM 8:

    @polyhort - "An ancient, medieval world filled with animals that talk and act like humans, everyone also has guns and grenades and McDonalds"

    @Triibot - "The world is a mixture of lush enormous forests that inhabit all the wildlife and industrial towers that inhabits the elf community. The towers are powered by energy orbs and are tens of thousands of feet tall and peeks beyond the clouds. The forest holds all of the animals on the planet. Some examples of the animals on the planet are bears with two sets of horns, bees with lightning shaped stingers, and butterflies that are 4 feet big."

    @marek1shtar - "The world is a manufactured one, created by an ancient race that left their technology in, and on it by accident. The people on it are a cross of steampunk and cottagecore inspired by the technology left behind, that they fight wars over. Some of the technology is leaking a substance that mutates local wildlife into monsters."

    TEAM 9:

    @e-m-pour - "On a sunless, dying planet floating aimlessly through space lives an expansive subterranean civilization of mole people. With their current technology ranging from Industrial Revolution levels to Earth pre-WWII, they live off of the internal heat of the planet and its many underground biomes. Mole person habitations are scattered throughout the planet in various tribes and villages, with the many passageways, cities, and ancient technological marvels that span a majority of the planet's lithosphere being mostly abandoned after a steep drop in the population some time ago."

    @tuffnuts - "Romanticized stories about cowboys, pirates, and empires with a little sci-fi sprinkled in. Trying to carve your own path to freedom and how to navigate that path. Themes about freedom, independece, and what it takes to maintain that freedom and independence."

    @itstheroyaljester - "The World is cylindrical or separate chunks on a spiral, The higher you go, the more artistic and magical the people are, the lower are more practical and mechanical focused. Where the true middle ground is constantly shifts"

    TEAM 10:

    @httpsverookcom - "A strange world, a city that mixes semi-futuristic technology with moon stones, stars, light, basically "space things", but with a monarchy, a very cloudy place,

    it's always night, everything feels plastic, like created by computer, it has population that look like a mix between light, living organisms and technology."

    @micgronoldshtien - "The world of Almarnia is small, to the eyes of its Dragon Lords. Even with all of the Discoveries of its early modern era, their squalid kingdoms only diminish. Every mad experiment only made in service of their foul lords. Twisting the very nature of magic and reality, churning a dead world dry. Only a brave few souls Dare to stand against this Devilish Monarchy, and fewer return with minds un-knotted"

    @inthenoweventually - "Disease has become illegal, and if you become sick you go to jail! This is because in the past the leaders of the world dominated the population by purposefully spreading disease. Now anyone who gets a disease is considered a potential usurper of the clean and healthy dynasty."

    TEAM 11:

    @superboi68 - "Across the galaxy, with many different societies and races.

    Idea: gods roam the world as actual beings in flesh, looking across the universe for a people to look over and shape Into their ideal form of society. Gods can die by either another gods hands, or the society they claimed dies out."

    @dynawizard98 - "Viking, Cyberpunk, Samurai"

    @reanore - "A world where ancient Egypt meets steampunk technology. The pyramids and temples are powered by steam and gears, and airships shaped like scarabs patrol the skies. Desert cities combine pharaonic architecture with mechanical inventions."

    TEAM 12:

    @Fmconstellation - "A fantasy world where concentrated crystals drive an energy competition between kingdom and drives"

    @oncehere - "The dream world is where people go when they sleep. It is a dimension where all people from all timelines meet. It also has native inhabitants that affect the lives of the people they interact with when they wake up."

    @intrapath - "The sun has been extinguished. Not only has this lead to crop failure, an ice age, and widespread extinction across the globe, but it's discovered that the sun was repressing supernatural forces and psychic abilities across the solar system. Mankind finds new threats and enemies coming in from all sides, but they've also found the means to defend themselves."

    TEAM 13:

    @EmperorBismark - "A world very similar to our own in terms of cultures, history and geography. But in this world, magic, mythology, and the supernatural are all very real."

    @ferstofus - "A chaotic world where living beings are constantly on fire, secrets of an extinct civilization hold the key to immortality and puppies are plants capable of photosynthesis and preyed upon by herbivores."

    @can-dance - "A small dark world, where rarely do the clouds break from their storm to let the light peak through. Only on the highest peaks does the sun grace the land, and greenery grow and flourish. Seldom do the plants thrive below the cloud blanket. The constant lightning strikes on the ground have charged the earth with a utilizable power source. The creatures native to the planet have grown and evolved to use this source in unprecedented ways of travel. Phasing."

    TEAM 14:

    @coystags - "Guided age America with early prohibition leading to earlier organised crime and mass corruption. There's a general optimism in the populations but politics is breaking down as robberbarons and early industrialists seize more and more power. Also technology is strangely obsessed with circled and spheres, trains and steam ships are big wheels for some reason."

    @noobrapter - "In a urban fantasy gas-station-punk world, we figured out the flora and fauna in the magic forests are excellent resources. The magic forests are growing so fast they have eaten up small towns and cities. The magical creatures not only want to protect the magic forest, but eat the people that disturb it's growth. "

    @alewis36 - "A world filled with clean air, bright blue sky, and clear water streams and rivers. A lot of log cabins and solar engery house. People riding bicycles and scooters a lot more than driving cars and vans."

    TEAM 15:

    @emilyrose420 - "medieval Fantasy"

    @picofetish69 - "mother nature taking back what's rightfully hers... an overgrown city, post apocalypse"

    @sirdynamite - "A world inhabited by robot mechanoid people and the nature is metal in nature , but all technology is organic, like a computer could literally be a brain linked by nerves to the keyboard in some like HR Giger thing. In terms of how they get these resources, they have it grow as a natural resource in farms n such, people are solar powered with possibility for different race's having different methods of sustaining power. The planets general look isa kind of harsh jagged metal utopia"

    TEAM 16:

    @norubuxisdead - "On an island far from civilization, chibi Mario and Sonic characters reside and live in harmony together. This island is beautiful, it has grassy fields all over, mountains that reach the clouds trees of many sizes and colors, spiritic rainforests and jungles, there's even these massive waterfalls. This island may have a lot of beauty at first glance, but what lives behind those waterfalls are horrors beyond our comprehension."

    @cappycatii - "An oceanic modern afterlife where human souls are judged by their past life's journey. Taking form as a piece of media, various inhabitants review it and see if their storyline is fascinating enough. If so, the dead are entitled to move on from this world towards their perfect world; otherwise they would be plunged into the ocean and restart their life again."

    @armadill0h - "After a climate crisis, the world is converted into desert wasteland. Those who survive do their best to rebuild a new world, yet there are raiders who thrive on the chaos of this new world."

    I'm super excited to see how these worlds come together! Some teams just so happen to have prompts that go together well, and some others have wildly different ideas! Every combination seems interesting to me though and I'm excited to see all the creative directions these 16 different projects go! One last reminder that you have until October 27th to get your piece submitted to me! Thank you everyone for signing up, if those goes well I'd be happy to host more of these in the future! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

    Join my Discord for updates if you haven't already!


    Posted by jamriot - July 1st, 2024

    Hello, everyone! It's been about 2 weeks since the 2024 Writer's Jam wrapped up, and I'm ready to announce the winners! There were an astounding 100 participants this time around, meaning competition was fierce! In addition to announcing the 3 official winners, I will attach links to some other stand-out pieces that are 100% worth reading. Without further ado, here are the winners of this year's Writer's Jam!

    FIRST PLACE ($130) - Shattered by @Marek1shtar

    A perfectly-paced, suspenseful piece with super vibrant imagery. Hits exactly how much detail is needed to make such an intriguing scene without going over the top. Congratulations and make sure to check out this year's #1 champion!

    SECOND PLACE ($85) - Handle With Care by @XxLieAbilityxX

    Just an absolutely beautiful and poetic piece that takes full advantage of being short and deliberate with every word choice. Emotional and intimate while still being open to interpretation, absolutely worth checking out!

    THIRD PLACE ($60) - The Loss of the Undefeated by @ItsTheRoyalJester

    A feel-good piece about accepting loss, something a character who is able to turn back time seems to have never dealt with before. Great character relationship writing, excellent pacing, and overall a very fun read!

    Winners: All sponsor's money has been pooled by Tom. Within the next few days I should be able to deliver the prize money to you! Please mail me on here with your PayPal information (if applicable; if not, mail me and we'll figure out another way to get money to you) and we will deliver the money to you ASAP!


    While there is only enough prize money for 3 "official" winners, the margin between the winning pieces is so thin that I want to take this time to highlight an additional few pieces that came very close to winning! I highly encourage everyone reading this to give these pieces the light of day that they deserve as well.

    Missing Scenes: Rebirth by @Sheik13LoZ - Really heartfelt piece that becomes more and more emotionally complete throughout. Absolutely worth reading!

    Haunted Mirror by @wayyward - A super fun mystery piece about a strange mirror. Really great pacing and a joy to read, give it a look!

    The Man from Bulliciosa by @TheGorondorf - Mind-boggling western piece that hits exactly the vibe it's going for. Give it a read if you're looking for something especially unique!

    Lighthouse on the Glass Sea by @Durinde - Two-time Writer's Jam champion back with another banger, full of deception and magical worldbuilding!

    Orange Primrose by @shintsukimi205 - This is a really neatly formatted piece, and it does an impressive job of unfurling a story through a character's words without ever feeling contrived!

    Thank you so much to everyone who participated for making this the biggest Writer's Jam yet! I can't wait to keep expanding the scale as we move forward, give me feedback on how this was run on my Discord!

    If you're itching for another writing event to join, check out the Blind World Collab I'm hosting, signups are open NOW and close at the end of July! I hope to see all of you talented participants participating next year! Keep writing!



    Posted by jamriot - June 17th, 2024




    Hi everyone! I’m excited to announce another new collab. The Blind World Collab asks participants to pitch a fictional world concept and then create a full story that combines their world and the worlds of others into one big, messy project! Below is a 3-step breakdown on the collab process:

    Step 1: Create your concept

    Your idea should be around 3 or so sentences of pretty general world concepts. Make sure to include wider world themes (ancient, futuristic, etc.) in your pitch, not just specifics (though including some details may be interesting). Your concept should not be a storyline. Remember, you’re pitching the world a story will take place in, not the story itself! Signups/concepts will close at the end of July 31st. Sign up using the link at the top of this post!

    Step 2: Team Assignment

    Shortly after signups close, I’ll reply to this post with the assigned teams. Since everyone will be tagged, you should have no problem reaching out to your team members, so long as everyone is checking their mail! From this point on, it will be up to you and your group where and how you plan to work on your piece.

    Step 3: Create your piece

    Once everyone in your group is on the same page, it’s time to brainstorm! It is entirely up to you and your group how exactly you plan to incorporate the different worlds, don’t be afraid to get creative or abstract with your incorporation! Your team has until the end of October 27th to submit your final product to me via Newgrounds or Discord. Once every piece is submitted and the deadline passes, I will create an Art post where all participants will be invited as collaborators and all pieces will be linked to in the caption!

    What are we submitting?

    Because I will simply be linking all collab pieces in an Art Project, there is complete freedom on the type of submission your team does! News, Game, Audio and Art Projects are all welcome and will all be posted just the same as each other. This is an all-fun, anything-goes collab. All I ask is that your team’s piece is posted to Newgrounds, and isn’t simply a link to a Google Doc or anything like that. Just one person needs to upload the piece to their account!

    What happens if one or more of our team members fall through?

    Collabs that have groups working on individual pieces like this will never be able to completely avoid the possibility of participants falling through. Seeing as this is a collab, however, and not a competition, there is no disadvantage to worry about being put at if your group has a member who is unable to go forward. There will be less people to write and brainstorm, but there will also be less worlds to worry about combining! If both of your team members fall out of the competition, I’ll do what I can to incorporate you into a different group, even if this means certain groups may have 4 total members. To do your part in avoiding massive numbers of participant dropout, please only sign up for this collab if you’re relatively certain you’re going to have time to work with your team!

    Why will the collab be posted as an Art Project?

    Newgrounds currently doesn’t have much infrastructure supporting News Posts as collab uploads. Only the most recent News Post shows on user’s profiles, and you can’t invite collaborators. Because of this, I will be uploading my Blind World Collab banner as an Art Project to invite everyone as a collaborator and for people to be able to highlight the collab on their profiles, if they choose to do so.

    What is and isn’t allowed?

    As mentioned above, I won’t be compiling every piece into one megapost, unlike many collabs. Because of this, I don’t need to worry about what rating each individual submission is, so go crazy! All I ask is that stories avoid being outright discriminatory or hateful. There’s no word count min/max, and there is no guideline for what you must submit your piece as. Just make sure that, at the end of the day, you have some sort of story that combines the elements of your group’s worlds!

    Interested in joining this collab? Click the link at the top of the post!

    Keep up with collab deadlines, announcements and other event news on my Discord here!



    Posted by jamriot - May 17th, 2024


    UPDATE: PROMPTS ARE LIVE! Below is a list of the 5 prompts to choose from!


    1. GLASS
    4. LEGACY
    5. REBIRTH

    Calling all storytellers! Writer's Jam 2024 is here!

    The Writer’s Jam is a competition that tasks new and experienced storytellers with writing a story within a short period of time. At midnight, June 14th (EST), 5 prompts will be released. Participants have until the morning of June 17th to brainstorm, draft, edit, and post a submission inspired by 1 of the 5 prompts! 

    There will be a CASH PRIZE for the top 3 submissions! Sign up HERE to register! Also make sure to check out the competition rules and FAQ. As always, entry slots are very limited, so jump in before it's too late if you're interested!


    1st place: $130

    2nd place: $85

    3rd place: $60


    JAMRIOT: $100

    Newgrounds: $125

    @Bleak-Creep: $50

    You are welcome to join my Discord here to stay updated with the competition!

    Message me on Newgrounds or Discord if you'd like to join the competition as a sponsor!



    Posted by jamriot - January 12th, 2024


    One of the greatest things about Newgrounds is the variety of talent. From animators to artists, voice actors to musicians, there’s a niche for anyone’s talents to be highlighted!

    In the spirit of encouraging more interaction between users with different talents, I’m teaming up with NGAP Collab Center Admin @AhWham to host the Storytime Collab!

    Teams (which must consist of at least one main writer, one narrator, and one composer) will create a fully narrated bedtime story, accompanied by a backing track.

    This collab is intended to be chill, ideally something people can sleep to. Submissions, therefore, should reflect just that: relaxing, bedtime-like stories with relaxing narration and composition. Nothing too spooky! To submit your team’s final piece, send me a .wav file of your piece by the end of March 20 EST over Discord (@jamriot). Make sure whoever submits the story also includes a message with the names of everyone who worked on the piece so everyone can be properly credited! Final submissions should be between 5-10 minutes long. We will compile all of the pieces and upload the final collab piece as an audio project here on Newgrounds shortly after the submission deadline has passed.

    For those unable to find anyone to team up with, please refer to my Discord, The Jamcave, to find writers, or check out NGAP Collab Center to find narrators and musicians. If you’re looking for teammates this way, it is highly recommended you join both servers! This way, you can advertise yourself as available for teaming up in one server and look for teammates in the other! 

    We look forward to seeing what everyone is able to come up with! Thank you for your interest and message me here or on Discord if you have any questions!



    Posted by jamriot - January 12th, 2024

    Hello, everyone! It's been a joy to read everyone's Writer's Jam 2 pieces over the past couple of weeks. Competition was tight again this time around, there were certainly lots of talented pieces to go around! Due to how close the winning pieces were in score (as well as the prize pool being the same for all 3 winners), winners will be announced in no particular order! Please give their stories a shot, they're more than worth your time!

    Without further ado, here are the winners of Writer's Jam 2!


    Sure, It's Christmas Once More by @ScienceJoe

    A uniquely cozy piece that is able to indulge in both the morbid and the wholesome simultaneously. Definitely give it a read!

    Bones of the Old World by @Durinde

    Another ghost story banger by Durinde about 2 different people coming together to accomplish a goal, whether they like it or not. Check it out!

    Hibernation by @LiamRomK

    A great piece that is able to take a relatively simple concept and execute it brilliantly. Give this one a read too!


    While there are only 3 "official" winners (I am too broke to give prizes to anyone else), competition was so tight that I want to take the time to highlight some pieces that were incredibly close to being winning pieces. I highly encourage anyone reading this to check these pieces out as if they were winners as well, they are of the same quality and absolutely deserve to be highlighted!


    What Lies Inside by @Ferstofus is a wonderful and impressive piece that is able to maintain a poetic rhyme throughout the entire submission, and is still able to maintain an intriguing narrative. Check it out!

    The Wood Pig's Fortune by @Intrapath is a multilayered piece that is able to do abstract very well! Make sure to give it a read.

    Home For Christmas by @wayyward wastes no time using every sentence to progress something, whether it be the strong characterization seen throughout or the actions taken by said characters. Definitely a very tightly and carefully made piece worth giving a read!

    Milk by @TheJudddman is guttural read that does particularly well describing not only the misery brought about by a medical condition, but by the lifestyle that is forced upon someone who has a debilitating condition. Read this too!


    I had an excellent time read everyone's pieces, and it means a lot to me that I get to host this and see so many people make such excellent things in such a short period of time, with such a limited word count! You're all very talented writers and I really hope to see you all participate in future Writer's Jams. Winners, please reach out to me with your PayPal information within the week so I can send you your award!

    If you have any feedback on how you believe the Writer's Jam could be better structured or facilitated, please navigate to my Discord and reach out to me there! I made quite a few changes this time around compared to the first one, and I'm still finding my way when it comes to making this competition as much of an "event" as it can be!

    Looking for something new to join? Me and @AhWham are hosting the Storytime Collab, check it out here!



    Posted by jamriot - December 21st, 2023

    Hello, everyone! For those who read the original Writer’s Jam 2 signup post and joined the Discord linked at the bottom of the post, you may be aware I decided to drop the Writer’s Jam 2 prompts a few hours early! You still have until 11:59 December 24th (EST) to submit your final piece!

    For your convenience, I copy-pasted the rules to the bottom of this post as well! Please make sure to read them carefully and adhere to them to make sure your piece is considered for feedback and winning the competition! Without further ado, here are this round’s prompts:

    PROMPTS (pick one):






    As an additional challenge, that this round of pieces should be somewhat festive! They don’t have to adhere to any specific holiday (or any holiday at all), but should at least thematically be “wintery,” though you are more than welcome to convey this in any way you want!

    Remember that you must submit your piece to Newgrounds through a blog/news post such as this one! I will be going through every entrant’s account manually after the competition has concluded to collect every piece, so no action is required on your end beyond posting your piece to your Newgrounds page.


    1. Your submission must include the tag “writers-jam-2”. Please make sure you include this exact tag, or we will NOT consider your submission for the competition!

    2. The word count must be between 600-3000 words. Submissions even one word under or over the word limit will be discarded. Make sure to not include any titles, headings, etc. in your word count.

    3. The Writer’s Jam is intended to be an opportunity for all participants to experience the full process of storytelling. All work submitted, therefore, must be done individually! Any collaborative submissions will be discarded (see next rule for exceptions).

    4. Tasteful use of other media may accompany a submission, but must not be crucial to the narrative. The writing of your submission must stand on its own, and will be evaluated as a story first and foremost. Visual art, accompanying music, and custom fonts are examples of non-essential media that is welcome. Media may be done by outside parties, so long as it does not have any influence or involvement in the writing process.

    5. Writing is an excellent way to explore unpleasant, controversial, and serious topics! Participants are welcome to express themselves fully through their pieces and should not worry about unreasonable censorship. That being said, any submissions that are explicitly and undeniably using this jam as an opportunity to express hate or harmful views will be discarded.

    Good luck to all participants, I can’t wait to see what great pieces you come up with this time! Let me know on here or Discord if you have any questions!



    Posted by jamriot - December 8th, 2023




    Calling all storytellers! Newgrounds’ second ever Writer’s Jam is scheduled to take place from Friday, December 22nd through Sunday, December 24th! This Writer’s Jam will be a smaller scale, holiday-themed rendition of the previous competition!

    The Writer’s Jam is a Newgrounds writing competition that encourages both new and experienced storytellers alike to produce a short piece of literature within a 72-hour period. At midnight, December 22nd EST, 5 one-word prompts will be released on here. participants have until the end of December 24th to brainstorm, draft, edit, and post a piece inspired by one of the 5 prompts. Submissions can be in any form you desire, so long as the focus is on the writing!

    There will be a CASH PRIZE of $15 for each of the top 3 submissions! Sign up HERE to register! Slots are limited, so act fast if you’re interested! The rules and guidelines for the competition are also attached in the above link.

    Please join my Discord HERE to stay updated with the competition!

    UPDATE 16 DEC: Participant slots are now full! I look forward to seeing everyone's pieces here next week!



    Posted by jamriot - September 17th, 2023

    Hello everyone! I'm so happy to announce that we finally have the results in for the winners of the very first Writer's Jam!

    Before reading the results, you are very encouraged to join my Discord server for early access to signups for future Writer's Jams and similar events! Since signups were very limited this time (and will be next time), this is the best opportunity you have at getting a spot! We also will be hosting many fun community events, do our own little "Frontpage" every week, and have a section to set up Newgrounds collab projects! def check it out :)

    Alright, now that that's out of the way, here's the winners of the first ever Writer's Jam! Please check out their wonderful stories, you won't be disappointed!

    1. @Durinde ($35) - The Figment and The Ghost
    2. @wayyward ($20) - Kingdom
    3. @Remi-le-Oduen ($10) - Safety rules are written in blood

    There were so many excellent stories pitted against eachother throughout this whole competition, and it was such a joy to get to read everyone's pieces! Winners, please reach out to me on what the best way to get the prize money to you is! As previously mentioned, I can only guarantee Paypal or Venmo as forms of payment that will definitely work. Winners who do not reach out in the next 72 hours will not receive their payment!

    Speaking of the next one, expect these changes in future Writer's Jams:

    • Writer's Jam will take place over a 72-hour period instead of a 48-hour period
    • In addition, the 72-hour period will begin at 12:00 PM EST instead of 12:00 AM EST the day of
    • The announcement of future Writer's Jam dates will be 3 weeks in advance, instead of 5 weeks, to increase event turnout and not have as much deadspace between when entry spots fill up and when the actual competition happens
    • Updates and reminders will be frequently given through the previously linked Discord server (all the more reason to join!)
    • The scoring rubric proved effective, but judges will be given more clear instruction on judgement process so it goes faster and smoother next time

    That's all from me, for now! Keep an eye out for announcements in November or December in regards to upcoming Writer's Jams (and join the Discord for other exciting announcements before then)! Thank you for making this competition such an exciting and fulfilling experience!

