michelle @JAMRIOT

Age 21, Female

Joined on 4/14/21

Exp Points:
1,838 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.55 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 1m 16d


Posted by JAMRIOT - 8 days ago



Hi everyone! I’m excited to announce another new collab. The Blind World Collab asks participants to pitch a fictional world concept and then create a full story that combines their world and the worlds of 2 others into one big, messy story! Below is a 3-step breakdown on the collab process:

Step 1: Create your concept

Your idea should be around 3 sentences of broad (but thoughtful) world concepts. Make sure to include wider world themes (ancient, futuristic, etc.) in your pitch, not just specifics (though including some details may be interesting). Your concept should not be a storyline. Remember, you’re pitching the world a story will take place in, not the story itself! Signups/concepts will close at the end of July 31st. Sign up using the link at the top of this post!

Step 2: Team Assignment

Shortly after signups close, I’ll reply to this post with the assigned teams. Since everyone will be tagged, you should have no problem reaching out to your team members, so long as everyone is checking their mail! From this point on, it will be up to you and your group where and how you plan to work on your story.

Step 3: Create your story

Once everyone in your group is on the same page, it’s time to brainstorm! It is entirely up to you and your group how exactly you plan to incorporate the different worlds, don’t be afraid to get creative or abstract with your incorporation! Your team has until the end of October 27th to submit your final product to me via Newgrounds or Discord. Once every piece is submitted and the deadline passes, I will create an Art Project on Newgrounds where all participants will be invited as collaborators and all pieces will be linked to in the caption!

What are we submitting?

Because I will simply be linking all collab pieces in an Art Project, there is complete freedom on the type of submission your team does! News, Game, Audio and Art Projects are all welcome and will all be posted just the same as each other. This means that, while the writing of your story should be the primary focus, you’re more than welcome to narrate, score, or illustrate your piece! There isn’t even a word count; this is an all-fun, anything-goes collab. All I ask is that your team’s piece is posted to Newgrounds, and isn’t simply a link to a Google Doc or the like. Just one person needs to upload the piece to their account!

What happens if one or more of our team members fall through?

Collabs that have groups working on individual pieces like this will never be able to completely avoid the possibility of participants falling through. Seeing as this is a collab, however, and not a competition like the Writer’s Jam, there is no disadvantage to worry about being put at if your group has a member who is unable to go forward. There will be less people to write and brainstorm, but there will also be less worlds to worry about combining! If both of your team members fall out of the competition, I’ll do what I can to incorporate you into a different group, even if this means certain groups may have 4 total members. To do your part in avoiding massive numbers of participant dropout, please only sign up for this collab if you’re relatively certain you’re going to have time to work with your team and create a story!

Why will the collab be posted as an Art Project?

Newgrounds currently doesn’t have much infrastructure supporting News Posts as collab uploads. Only the most recent News Post shows on user’s profiles, and you can’t invite collaborators. Because of this, I will be uploading my Blind World Collab banner as an Art Project to invite everyone as a collaborator and for people to be able to highlight the collab on their profiles, if they choose to do so.

What is and isn’t allowed?

As mentioned above, I won’t be compiling every piece into one megapost, unlike many collabs. Because of this, I don’t need to worry about what rating each individual submission is, so go crazy! All I ask is that stories avoid being outright discriminatory or hateful. There’s no word count min/max, and there is no guideline for what you must submit your piece as. Just make sure that, at the end of the day, you have some sort of story that combines the elements of your group’s worlds!

Keep up with collab deadlines, announcements and other event news on my Discord here!




Count me in.

You madwoman, I'm in!

Sounds like something quite bigger this time. I'm totally in

this seems fun!

What’s the usual turn around from the submission deadline to the forming of the teams? I would love to join but will be pretty much MIA for the first week of August and wouldn’t want that to be a detriment to any potential team members.

it shouldnt take more than a couple of days!

i'm not sorry for what i'm gonna do


this seems like a good Collab. I'm sold